Respiratory Medicine And Critical Care
KMC HOSPITAL HAS A , fully equipped respiratory, sleep and critical care department since the inception of the hospital This Respiratory and Critical Care department offers most advance and state of art facilities in north India.
Medical Intensive Care unit, Bronchoscopy unit, Medical intensive care unit is equipped with latest monitoring facilities and medical devices to provide immediate and world class treatment for critically ill patients at a single place. We also have facility to do complex diagnostic and therapeutic procedure.
We have highly advance ventilators (INVASIVE – AIR LIQUID & Non Invasive – Phillips) , and excellent medical backup. Medical Intensive care unit is being managed by team of senior consultants and registrars round the clock. We also have well equipped bronchoscopy unit which has both adult and pediatric video bronchoscope for transbronchial lung biopsies and needle aspiration whenever needed.
Sleep Lab:-
- Complete and split overnight Polysomnography.
- Multiple sleep latency test.(MSLT)
- CPAP titration with sleep study
Bronchoscopy Lab:
- Fibroptic bronchoscopy with video scope and BAL.
- Trans- bronchial needle aspiration.
- Trans- bronchial biopsy.
- Trans-bronchial lung biopsy.
- Tracheal stenting.
- Endo bronchial glue therapy.
- Cauterization and removal of endobronchial growth.
- Foreign body removal with Basket.
Pulmonary Function Lab:
- Pulmonary function testing (PFT)
- PFT with Bronchodilator response.
- PFT with diffusion study.
Intensive Care
- Advance cardiac and vital monitoring.
- Ultrasound guided Central venous and arterial catheterization for hemodynamic monitoring in critically ill patients.
- Pulmonary arterial catheterization.
- Portable ultrosonography for urgent diagnosis and procedure.
- Bedside Dialysis, ECHO and plasmapherasis units.
- Most advance mechanical ventilators (invasive and noninvasive) with HFOV.
- Latest life resuscitative units for immediate life support.
Surgical Procedures
- Facilities for Thoracocentesis, Intercostal tube insertion and pleural Biopsy.
- Chemical and Thoracoscopic pleurodesis.